Work experience

Python developer (current position)

Learning how to integrate Rust with Python and some web development with Django and Flask.

Full Stack Web Development (Almost unicorn) 🦄

Full stack developer

Software development for industrial use in production lines and various inner departments.

  • Frontend and Backend development of web applications with TypeScript, Angular, NodeJS and MSSQL.
  • Task automations with Python and Raspberry PI and communications with industrial standards such as ANDON.
  • Development of dashboards and reports with Power BI.
  • Maintence and bug fixing of C#, VB .NET desktop applications.

VB .NET developer

Development and deployment of an ERP desktop application for a cinema company.

Python developer

Internship creating a Python library, task automation and data processing with Pandas.

Other projects (you may find interesting)

Bittorrent client

Python UDP trackers

Working on a Bittorrent client development from scratch (in my free time).


  • Handle data download with asyncio
  • TUI client
  • WEB UI Client with Flask


Python Django HTML CSS JavaScript

Invoice management platform for financial idiots like me and companies doomed to failure 😉


  • Authentication system (Why not? 🤔)
  • WEB UI
  • Invoice generator with various styles
  • Customer management
  • Invoice management


  • Groups and permissions
  • More legal shit for the invoices...