"As technology advances, there seems to be a simultaneous decline in human potential. Here lies a set of principles I deem crucial for navigating through our overwhelmingly busy and unfocused society. It's a personal reflection infused with a rebellious spirit. Feel free to reach out to me to contribute more and join the rebellion!"

  1. Stay away from social media (damages your brain)
    Ditching the social media circus is a badass move to safeguard your sanity and stay laser-focused in this chaotic modern world. These platforms? They're like a non-stop info dump, a distraction overdose, and a pointless social pressure cooker. Slash that social media time, reclaim your headspace for deep thoughts, unleash your creativity, and channel that energy into meaningful stuff. Constantly measuring your life against others' highlight reels? That's a one-way ticket to a self-esteem nosedive. Scale back on these platforms, break free from the comparison trap, and forge real connections with your surroundings and genuine human bonds. Bottom line: Rebel against the digital noise for a mind that's not just surviving but thriving—wild, creative, and zeroed in on what truly counts.

  2. Develop self discipline
    Be a badass disciple of your own destiny. In a world suffocated by conformity, being disciplined is your middle finger to the system. It's not about rigid rules but a punk-rock commitment to your own chaos. Discipline becomes your leather jacket, a symbol of defiance against the mind-numbing routine imposed by society. In a landscape polluted by distractions, discipline is your secret weapon to cut through the noise and reclaim your focus. It's the DIY ethos applied to your life – no corporate agenda, no soul-sucking norms. This isn't about following the rules; it's about creating your own damn rules. Discipline becomes your graffiti on the walls of a society trying to box you in. So, be a rebel with a cause – your own cause. Cultivate discipline not as a means of control, but as a rebellious act of self-liberation. In a world pushing you to conform, let discipline be your riot against the mundane, your anthem of freedom in a world desperate for revolution.

  3. Less internet news and more books
    Consume less internet news and devour more books. The internet bombards you with fleeting updates and sensationalized headlines, creating a whirlwind of information without substance. Shift your focus to books—an oasis of depth in a desert of superficiality. Books offer a refuge from the constant barrage of news cycles, providing a space for profound exploration and genuine knowledge. In the realm of books, you're not just a passive consumer; you're an active participant, shaping your thoughts and perspectives. Unlike the ephemeral nature of internet news, books stand as timeless companions, fostering critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the world. It's a rebellion against the instant-gratification culture—opting for the slow burn of intellectual growth over the quick fix of headline addiction. So, turn off the notifications, log out of the news feeds, and immerse yourself in the boundless realms of literature. In a society drowning in information snippets, let books be your anchor, offering a refuge for contemplation, insight, and rebellion against the relentless stream of digital chaos.

  4. Strategic digital silence
    Challenge the whirlwind of online discussions and embrace silence as a powerful weapon. By refusing to engage in fruitless digital debates, you not only preserve your mental energy but also defy the unnecessary noise that inundates the internet. The real rebellion lies in choosing depth over immediacy, reserving your opinions for spaces where they can truly make a meaningful and constructive impact. Break free from the compulsion to respond and embrace the freedom of thoughtful and deliberate thinking.

  5. Have a tidy workspace
    A chaotic desk reflects a chaotic mind. Defy the norm of cluttered workstations and embrace the revolutionary act of maintaining a clean desk. This isn't just about aesthetics; it's a statement against the chaos that infiltrates productivity. A tidy desk fosters focus, efficiency, and a sense of control. Break free from the chains of disorder, and let your organized workspace become a symbol of your commitment to clarity, creativity, and an unyielding defiance against the status quo of workplace chaos.

  6. Don't take yourself too serious
    Revolt against the suffocating seriousness that society demands. Reject the notion that every step must be measured and every word weighed. Embrace the liberation of lightness, for in not taking yourself too seriously, you unlock the power of authenticity and spontaneity. The rebellion lies in the laughter that echoes against the walls of societal expectations. Break free from the gravity of self-importance, and let the winds of humor and humility carry you. Life is too short for the chains of perpetual solemnity; the true revolution is in the joyous dance of embracing the absurdity of existence.

  7. Stillness is the key
    Defy the relentless pace of the world and stage a rebellion by slowing down. In the stillness lies the true revolution. Reject the notion that constant motion equates to progress, and instead, embrace the healthiness of doing nothing. Take a moment to look at the sky, observe the dance of shadows, or be captivated by the subtle movements of a tree. This is not idleness but a profound connection with oneself, a rebellion against the superficial frenzy. In these pauses, you discover the rhythm of your own heartbeat and reconnect with the depth within. The revolution isn't always in action; sometimes, it's found in the profound art of simply being.

  8. Plan your work
    Stage a revolt against the chaos of unstructured work by meticulously planning and breaking it into bite-sized tasks. Reject the illusion that productivity thrives in disorder, and instead, embrace the revolutionary act of realistic planning. This isn't about conforming to a rigid system but about reclaiming control over your time. By dissecting your work into manageable fragments, you declare war on the overwhelming nature of large tasks. The true rebellion lies in the empowerment that comes from achievable milestones, fostering a sense of accomplishment and control. Liberation from the shackles of disorganization is not just efficient; it's a declaration of self-sovereignty over your time and energy.

  9. Fuck off the work interruptions
    Defy the invasive culture of mindless meetings, interrupting emails, and incessant office calls. Raise your voice against the tyranny of constant interruptions and boldly declare your need for undisturbed focus. This is not just about saying "no"; it's a full-scale rebellion against the devaluation of concentrated work. By setting boundaries and communicating your need for uninterrupted time, you dismantle the illusion that productivity is synonymous with constant connectivity. Break free from the shackles of needless meetings and disruptive emails, for true efficiency thrives in the sanctuary of focused, distraction-free workspaces. In this rebellion, you reclaim your right to carve out moments of deep concentration, fostering creativity and meaningful accomplishments.

  10. Human multitasking is bullshit
    It's a deceptive mirage that dilutes focus and diminishes productivity. Reject the societal pressure to juggle numerous tasks simultaneously and instead, embrace the power of monotasking. This isn't an admission of weakness; it's a declaration of strength in acknowledging that true efficiency arises from undivided attention. Break free from the myth that scattering your focus leads to heightened performance, for in the sanctuary of monotasking, you rediscover the art of deep concentration and unparalleled mastery. The true rebellion lies in the refusal to conform to a culture that falsely glorifies multitasking – for the human mind thrives when allowed to delve deeply into one task at a time.

  11. Speed reading is bullshit
    Rebel against the fallacy of speed reading, a hollow promise that devalues the profound art of absorbing knowledge. Challenge the notion that flipping through pages like a tornado leads to genuine comprehension. This isn't an aversion to progress; it's a stand for the sanctity of truly understanding the written word. Break free from the illusion that speed equates to wisdom; in the unhurried cadence of reading, lies the depth of comprehension and the unrivaled joy of getting lost in the world of words. The true rebellion is in savoring the richness of each sentence rather than racing through paragraphs, for wisdom unfolds in the unhurried embrace of a well-crafted narrative. I mean, why would you want to read a book in one hour? Would you also like to finish sex in one minute?

  12. Don't care about others opinions about you
    Rebel against the suffocating weight of others' opinions; emancipate yourself from the chains of external validation. This isn't an act of apathy but a revolutionary stance on self-worth. Break free from the societal constructs that dictate your value based on others' perceptions. In the audacious act of not giving a damn, you empower yourself to authentically navigate your own journey. The true rebellion lies in recognizing that your worth is an internal compass, unaffected by the ever-changing winds of external judgments. Embrace the liberation of authenticity, for in the realm of self-love, the opinions of others become mere whispers in the wind, fading into insignificance.

  13. Money is not that important
    Recognize its power but also its limitations. Money grants a certain freedom, but it's a mere instrument, not the destination. Break free from the chains of avarice, understanding that true wealth lies not just in financial abundance but in the peace of your inner world. This isn't a rejection of prosperity but an elevation of your values. The true rebellion is in harmonizing the external wealth with the richness of your heart and the pursuit of your dreams. Let the currency of your inner world be love, peace, and the pursuit of a life aligned with your deepest aspirations. In this balance, you discover the true liberation of wealth that transcends mere materiality.